HOA Survey

Dear SHM HOA Owners and Neighbors, Please complete the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Stetsonhillsmasterhoa. Your participation is important and valued. Additional feedback and concerns can be sent to email  StetsonHillsMaster@ehammersmith.com


Free Paint Recycling Event

Event Details: Date: Saturday, September 14th Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Location: 5680 Stetson Hills Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO (Vista Grande Baptist Church) URL: https://circular.eco/event/Cospgs91424 This event is open to everyone in the community, from homeowners to businesses. Anyone with leftover or unwanted paint is encouraged to bring it to our event and we’ll recycle the product into [...]


2023 Stetson Hills Master HOA Annual Meeting & Proxy/Ballot Form

The Stetson Hills Master HOA Annual Meeting will be held on November 18th at 10am per the Meeting Notice". Add the correct RingCentral link. Virtual Check-in will begin at 9am.  Proxy/Ballot Forms are due no later than November 17th. Please see detailed instructions on the form.   Questions please contact the HOA Community Manager at the [...]



If you are unable to attend the Annual meeting on November 12, 2022, but would like to appoint a Proxy, please print off the Proxy form below, fill it out, and email your completed form to StetsonHillsMaster@eHammersmith.com by Friday, November 11, 2022 at 5pm. If you have any questions, please call 719.389.0700. PROXY FORM ANNUAL [...]

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